Hello! 你好!
I am Lin MA, a Finance Ph.D. student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
My research interests include:
- Corporate Finance
- Financial Technology
- Banking
I'm passionate about exploring the financial friction in the real world.
Curriculum Vitae
You can download my CV here.
"Digital Transformation of Commercial Banks and Labor Demand: Creation or Destruction?" (with Minggui Yu and Kong Wang), Journal of Management World, Volume(10), 2022
Working Papers
- "Bankruptcy Enforcement and firm’s Employment: Evidence from the Judicial Reform of Enterprise Bankruptcy in China " ((with \href{https://dtfe.zuel.edu.cn/szjsyxdjryw-szjsyw_kytd/szjsyxdjryw_cont_person/details-33621.html}{Minggui Yu} and Haofan Qiang))